I started my jewelry company in 2010 after I became extremely ill and was unable to continue my job as a real estate agent. I was in the hospital and was bored out of my mind when I asked my husband to go to the craft store and get me a project. He came back with an earring making kit. I fell in love that day. I've been making jewelry ever since.

I started an instagram page and a facebook page when my jewelry started to take off. You can find me on instagram @jillybeanjewelry
You can find my facebook page here.
I absolutely love what I do and I feel so grateful that you do as well. I never imagined that I would be lucky enough to do something that I love for a living. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I wanted to show you some examples of my work from the beginning to now.
This is my "Square Mother's Necklace" I made this for my Mom for mother's day in 2013, and it was such a hit that I started selling it. It's $37.99 and you can contact me at jillystrasburg@gmail.com to order.
I also make allergy bracelets. I started this because I had gastric bypass in 2005. I needed something I could wear at all times in case anything happened to me. I needed EMT's or Doctor's to know that I had, had a major surgery, and help them to know how to treat me to the best of their ability. These have been a big seller as well. I make them for adults, and children.
This is a necklace I made for a dear from of mine. Some of you may know her from her blog, littlemissfearless.com
Amanda is an amazing woman inside and out, and I'm honored to know her. I'm so touched that she would not only wear my jewelry, but that she loved it enough to post it on her blog. If you haven't checked her out you should!
Our "Gold Bar" necklace is $25.99 or $42.99 for Gold Filled. Contact me at jillystrasburg@gmail.com to order
This is my biggest seller around Mother's Day and Christmas. It's our "Mother's Bracelet". It includes all the names of children, grandchildren, pets, whatever you'd like! It's so fun for a Mom to take her children with her where ever she goes!
This is our Sterling Silver Bar necklace. It's similar to the Gold Bar necklace, but it's in silver. It's $32.99
This is one of my signature "Girlfriend" style necklaces. These are the most fun for me to make. I ask the person buying it to tell me all about the person that the necklace is for. Then I customize to that person. I include charms, letters, children's names, the last name initial, pets, etc. and make a completely custom piece that is one of a kind. They start at $42.99
This is one of the first "Girlfriend" necklaces I ever made, and it was for one girl, of a group of girls, that received necklaces from one of their best friends. I LOVED making these pieces!
This is the other "Girlfriend" piece that I made for that group of girls. These come on a 24" chain and can be made in sterling silver or silver plated. Contact me at jillystrasburg@gmail.com to order.
Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I'll update it regularly so you can see all my new designs. I can make anything you'd like. Jilly Bean Jewelry is a one of a kind jewelry design company. We customize every piece especially for you! I look forward to doing business with you soon!